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Counting Down to Puppies

Writer's picture: Alyssa AltomonteAlyssa Altomonte
A photo of an ultrasound for Ivy's puppies
Ivy's Ultrasound!

We're just 23 days away from welcoming puppies into our home again! While we're beyond excited while we are counting down, the to-do list is growing by the minute, and it’s a bit overwhelming.

Last week, we confirmed Ivy's pregnancy with an ultrasound. As soon as we got back from the vet, reality set in, and the list of tasks started piling up…

Ivy (English setter) lays near the new chair we are building for the puppy room
Ivy "helps" us build the new pull-out chair

We need to sanitize and set up the whelping box, clean the room where the pups will stay, buy and assemble a new pull-out chair because someone will be sleeping with the puppies for the first few weeks, get Ivy groomed and ready, stock up on collars, schedule an x-ray, gather all the medical supplies needed for the delivery, print out the charts, and pick out names... and I’m sure there’s more that I’m forgetting!

Amidst all this, Ivy has decided she absolutely hates her kibble. Perfect timing, right? Especially since she’s about to enter her third trimester and is hungry all the time! To get her to eat, I’ve been whipping up omelets with her kibble mixed in for breakfast. Thankfully, that does the trick. Poor Storm is a bit jealous, but he gets his share of eggs too. The moment Ivy finishes a meal, she’s on the hunt for her next snack, pressing her nose against the fridge several times a day. She’s also been chewing on anything she can find—paper, benebones, you name it—and she’s got a new love for crunching on ice.

Ivy has always been intense about her food, but pregnancy has taken it to a whole new level. Naturally, we cater to her every whim—she's pregnant, after all, and deserves it! It's hilarious to watch her point out every spot where we keep her treats—the cabinet, the fridge, the puppy room... she’s hungry, and she’s not shy about letting us know!

When she’s not begging for food, you’ll find her napping on the couch, catching up on some well-deserved rest. She's getting big fast! It seemed like she wasn't showing at all, and then suddenly, the baby bump is so big. Despite the long list of things we need to get done before her due date, we’re savoring every moment of spoiling her. And don’t worry, Storm is getting plenty of love too.

Dog sleeping on comfy chair
She's always sleeping in weird positions...

We are so excited to document this litter both here and on social media. So if you want to join us on this incredible adventure, follow us! 

Instagram: @buckscountysetters

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